No child without quality education.
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To promote human rights and fund development cooperation projects, humanitarian aid, education, job insertion, and entrepreneurship for older adults, youth, and teenagers at risk of exclusion from disadvantaged social backgrounds. By doing so, we aim to reduce poverty and inequality, and facilitate their social integration jóvenes y adolescentes en riesgo de exclusión, procedentes de estratos sociales desfavorecidos.
To provide a better quality of life for all our beneficiaries by delivering quality education through our “Escuela del Vidrio” project, as well as offering economic support during crises such as wars, natural disasters, and health emergencies.
Adaptation, honesty, and respect. Independence from any political, trade union, religious, or economic groups. Education as a transformative tool for society. Transparency and good governance.
through education, job insertion, and humanitarian aid.
Our main project is La Escuela del Vidrio, located in El Progreso, Honduras. Through dual education, young people at risk of social exclusion can access dignified employment. We also offer scholarships for university studies.
We have both national and on-site volunteers, including professionals who provide technical classes at the school and others who work from Spain to raise awareness of the foundation and fundraise.
A fund for young entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses in Honduras. We support the economic development and improvement of their families and the communities where their businesses are located.
We strive to foster a sense of community and support for young people and their families. Activities include community clean-ups, healthcare assistance, family visits, parenting workshops, and more.